Just to be clean:
Depureco, maximum
At Depureco Industrial Vacuums we don’t just make industrial vacuum cleaners: we create innovation, offering assistance and support to our customers, with ethics and respect for those who work with us and choose us always at heart.
Our professional vacuum cleaners are mainly used in companies’ production lines, where they eliminate any processing residue in various industrial fields: from the chemical-pharmaceutical one to textiles, from metalworking to the food industry. We have an ideal solution for every application. Designed together with you, around your needs. Because also deep cleaning and hygiene on production premises have an impact on the quality and results of a company, and every company has different needs.
We always design our vacuum cleaners with the people who will choose them in mind, because the value of what we do only comes from our customers’ satisfaction. This is why our products need to be simple and practical to use.
We listen to the requests of those who decide to choose us and we work on anticipating their needs in an ever-evolving industrial system. We work along with our customers to look for the best-suited vacuuming system and we are always by their side at every stage of the assistance process.
Quality, ethical, professional
We design vacuuming solutions that improve production processes and the quality of working premises. Our sales network always liaises directly with our customers to fully understand the application needs of the company they operate in and accurately and effectively meet specific requests. Because we believe in the importance of teamwork, both inside and outside the company.
Certified excellence
Our production processes received some of the major certifications attesting the excellence of its quality
We never stop growing, thanks to you.
We have a great goal: we want to keep on improving and perfecting ourselves to ensure standards of the highest quality. Focusing on your needs meets this desire to grow. Because of you we a driven to carry out research, develop new technology, invest to offer new solutions and applications that are increasingly effective in the industrial vacuuming field.
We always focus on excellence, also in terms of our commitment to guarantee respect and support for the people who work with us and our customers, and we offer the latter an accurate and detailed service.
Stronger together
We firmly believe in teamwork, in bringing out of the best in people and promoting cultural diversity. Our team is multi-ethnic and multilingual, and thanks to everyone’s expertise we are able to accommodate requests from companies all over the world. Our technical personnel is ready to fulfil the vacuuming needs of any industry: it is fully aware of the potential of the machinery in our catalogue and can offer professional advice to choose the best solution to vacuum materials such as dust, liquids, heavy shavings, ceramic waste, grit and much more.

Depureco Industrial Vacuums Srl
Via Venezia, 32
10088 VOLPIANO (TO) – Italy
E-mail: depureco@depureco.com
Tel: +39 011 98.59.117
Fax+39 011 98.59.326
Depureco Netherland
Röntgenweg 1
8503 AG JOURE – Netherland
E-mail: algemeen@dusonederland.nl
Tel: +31(0)85 130 56 50
Depureco Aspiratoare Industriale Srl
Splaiul Independentei nr. 332B
Bucuresti, Sector 6 – Romania
E-mail: ion.vasile@depureco.com
Tel: +40 726 141 531
Depureco USA
19121 Marketplace Avenue Building 1, Suite 165
Plum Creek Business Park
Kyle, TX 78640
E-mail: info@depurecousa.com
Tel: +1 (737) 7044347