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Depureco’s approach to sustainability is based on corporate social responsibility, which means and aims at caring for people and the environment.
Ours is a daily commitment towards those working with us to guarantee they have the best working conditions and a healthy workplace, as well as towards consumers, for whom we offer top product quality, both in terms of safety and performance.

Every breath counts

This commitment stems from the need to protect by creating value and implies close attention devoted to the quality standards of our vacuum cleaners, designed to ensure protection for those using them, helping to prevent the risk of breathing conditions that can occur in the main fields where our products are used. This is why we will never stop raising awareness among our customers about the risks posed by the presence of dust on the premises and the need to use latest generation vacuum cleaners. Like the ones made by Depureco, which have some of Europe’s top certifications. such as:

Sustainability objective: our reforestation project


The other domain involved in our social responsibility strategy is the environment.
Because taking care of people also means protecting and preserving the planet we live on. And this does not just imply guaranteeing a clean and healthy workplace, but also being proactive with additional tangible actions in the local area to contribute to the planet’s wellbeing and ensure a greener future for generations to come.
With our responsible reforestation and tree-planting project, carried out in partnership with Tree Nation, for each vacuum cleaner sold we plant a tree in Madagascar, thereby offsetting the CO2 we produce. Because trees are the Earth’s ‘real vacuum cleaners’, as in a natural setting they are able to absorb 20 to 50 kg of CO2 every year.
You can find the constantly updated results of the project here

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