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Toxic and hazardous dust extraction

The presence of fine dust and toxics in industrial environments is a significant safety and health challenge for workers. These fine particles can easily spread through the air, causing respiratory problems, allergies and other short- and long-term health complications. In addition, the presence of fine and toxic dust can affect the quality of products and the efficiency of machinery. As a result, it is critical to adopt effective solutions for the extraction of these hazardous particles to ensure a safe, clean and productive working environment.

How to remove toxic or hazardous dust safely?

The collection of toxic or hazardous dust requires preventive and procedural measures to ensure the safety of workers and the work environment.

In addition to the constant use of appropriate PPE, industrial vacuum cleaners are recognized as among the most effective tools for safely carrying out the task of extracting these dusts.

Img Respiro

Use of Personal Protective Equipment

The use of PPE (personal protective equipment) to remove toxic dust is extremely important for the safety of workers working in environments with a high risk of exposure to these harmful substances. The most common PPE used for this purpose are respiratory masks, which can filter airborne particles before they are inhaled by the worker.

Aspiratori industriali per sicurezza

Industrial vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters and safe collection systems

L’utilizzo di aspiratori industriali dotati di filtri HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) e di sistemi di raccolta e contenimento sicuri delle polveri è fondamentale per garantire la salute e la sicurezza dei lavoratori, nonché per ridurre l’impatto ambientale delle polveri tossiche rilasciate nell’aria durante i processi industriali.

Scarifier vacuum cleaner
Suction dust handtool
Suction floor equipment vacuum

How to choose a vacuum cleaner for your needs

When choosing an industrial vacuum cleaner to safely suck up dust that is potentially hazardous to operators’ health, close attention should be paid to 2 features of the vacuum cleaner:

FIiltrazione Hepa aspiratori

Industrial vacuums with H14 filtration: filters out harmful dust and retains it

The use of progressive efficiency filters, up to Hepa H14 ultra-fine dust filters, to filter the air and ensure that no dust is released back into the work environment, protecting people

Longopac continuous roll system vacuum cleaners for safe dust collection

The Longopac continuous roll system completely avoids contact between dust and operator, resulting as the best system to remove toxic and harmful dust without danger. The dust is directly bagged into a 20m-long adjustable bag, which can be sealed at any length with clamps and removed

Longopac safe dust collection system

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